Plant availability List

This list is current as of 4/11. Call 832-224-3430 for the latest availability. Many species are dormant and didn’t make the list this month. Quantities below don’t include plants on hold for projects or new propagation. Species in bold are new to the list this month.

Species in bold are new to the list this month.

We currently have less than 30 of these species also (1 gallon unless noted): Mexican mosquitofern (Azolla microphylla), Texas water canna (Canna glauca), Pond flatsedge (Cyperus ochraceus), Roundhead rush (Juncus validus), Hairy waterclover (Marsilea vestita), Yellow water lily (Nymphaea mexicana), Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), White pickerel (Pontederia cordata), Anglestem beaksedge (Rhynchospora caduca), Whitetop sedge (Rhynchospora colorata), Nipplebract arrowhead (Sagittaria papilosa), Ohio spiderwort (Tradescantia ohiensis), Eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides), Common cattail (Typha latifolia).

our Adventures, plant of the month, and more…

The next Open Farm mornings are April 27 and May 25, from 9am-12pm.

The April newsletter is coming soon! Click the image below to see the April newsletter, with a new series exploring why wetlands matter, some very surprising wetland plants and animals, and other good things.